
life is gooooood.

[image courtesy of Life is Good]

[list inspired by The Green Greek]

20 Little Things to Celebrate in Life

1. Fiances who do lots of chores
(without complaining, too!)
2. Tiny hoodie sweaters for dogs
3. Rearranging furniture
(which makes home feel like new again)
4. Cranium.com
5. New blogging friends
6. Old blogging friends
7. Exciting twists on tv shows (like "Lost")
8. Crafts & DIY projects
9. Saving money
10. Having a job
(actually, this one's something HUGE to celebrate)
11. Home decoration magazines & blogs
(I'm obsessed)
12. Exercise
13. Journals
14. Trying out new hairstyles
15. Biking
16. Planners
17. Bubble gum
18. Art
19. Days off of work & school
20. Late night reading

[so...what are YOUR 20 little things to celebrate in life? leave me a comment & some inspiration! :) ]

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